Then And Now, CC Means Cash And Carry

Carsten Charles Sabathia is not the original CC. That distinction belongs to Charles C. (C.C.) Pyle, a Champaign, Illinois, theater owner and one of the world’s first sports agents.

C.C. Pyle was often known as Cash and Carry — a fitting description for for CC Sabathia  and his $161 million contract.

Pyle represented running back Red Grange and French tennis star Suzanne Lenglen. He founded the first New York Yankee football team and the first American Football League in 1926. That same year he started the first professional tennis tour.

Two years later, Cash and Carry Pyle organized the Bunion Derby, a 3455-mile foot race from Los Angeles to Chicago to New York.

Pyle died of a heart attack at 57 in 1939.